Tag Archives: Wisdom

Good Morning Quote ~12.12.20~

Captive Thoughts ~

Capture my thoughts Lord,
gird me in Thy truth
let me follow Thy Word
as in the days of my youth.

With childlike faith,
take custody of my mind
keep me close to Thee
so Thy ways I can find.

Control and restrain me,
release not me from Thy hold
may my heart for Thee
turn not luke-warm or cold.

Let me not be disillusioned,
by the wisdom of man
seize upon my belief
show me Thy perfect plan.

Capture my thoughts Lord,
in my mind be inĀ  control
I give to Thee my life . . .
let not man conquer my soul!


2 Corinthians 10:5

“Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

King James Bible
Public Domain

Copyright 2014 Revised 2020
Deborah Ann Belka

Good Morning Quote ~10.05.20~



The Spirit of God ~

Spirit of God,
full of truth and love
brings His peace
on wings of a dove.

Sent from heaven,
as our Comforter
in times of need
our mighty Helper.

Spirit of God,
full of knowledge
to understanding
there’s no shortage.

Wisdom You bring,
to all who desire
strength You give
to all who inquire.

Spirit of God,
Jesus’ promise to us
may in You we put
all of our trust!


John 14:26

But the Comforter,
which is the Holy Ghost,
whom the Father will send
in my name, he shall teach
you all things, and bring
all things to your remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2020
Deborah Ann Belka

Afternoon Ponderings ~04.20.20~

Proverbs 2:6


Perfect In God’s Sight ~

Lord, help me to be,
in Your sight perfect
on Your holiness
may I daily reflect.

Let me not be blind,
to that which I know
keeping Your wisdom
from in me to flow.

Lord, help me to live,
a life to You pleasing
let my heart reflect
one in Your keeping.

Let me not be deaf,
to Your imploring
to where hidden flaws
I am still storing.

Lord, help me to be,
in Your sight faultless
help me to be  . . .
like Jesus flawless!


Colossians 1:28

Whom we preach, warning every man,
and teaching every man in all wisdom;
that we may present every man
perfect in Christ Jesus:

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2020
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Sticky Note to God ~10.08.19~

Sandpaper Christians ~

Sandpaper Christians,
grate on your nerves . . .
their abrasive thoughts
they don’t conserve.

Raspy and rough,
full of harshness
need God to replace
their heart of hardness.

Sandpaper Christians,
rub the wrong way
thinking not before
the words they say.

Like an emery board,
that’s lost its grit
forget they are filled
with the Holy Spirit.

Sandpaper Christians,
gruff and so bold
need to learn just how
their peace to hold.

Outspoken and snarly,
their words are brutal
need to seek how to make
their lips more fruitful.

Sandpaper Christians,
on the nerves grate . . .
need God’s wisdom
to set them straight!


Proverbs 11:12

He that is void of wisdom
despiseth his neighbour:
but a man of understanding
holdeth his peace.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2019
Deborah Ann Belka

Lord, Let Your Light Saturate My Soul ~

Lord, let Your Light,
saturate my soul
let over my body
it take control.

Let it bring me,
truth and wisdom
let it beam into me
just like a prism.

Lord, let Your Light,
shine down on me
let it brighten my way
so Your plans I may see.

Let it bring me,
even closer to You
let it sear my heart
all the way through.

Lord, let Your Light,
shine, beam and sear
so that to you Lord
I’ll always be near!


2 Corinthians 4:6

For God, who commanded the light
to shine out of darkness,
hath shined in our hearts,
to give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face
of Jesus Christ.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2019
Deborah Ann Belka

Afternoon Ponderings~02.04.19

The Heart of My Soul ~

Lord help me to keep,
on my heart a watchful eye
so that it may not for You
shrivel up and dry.

Let me be meticulous,
as to what I let into it
so it is always opened
to the wisdom of Your spirit.

Lord, help me to guard,
the heart of my soul
so that it’ll always be
in Your righteous control.

Let me be scrupulous,
as to what I hold dear
so that it may be filled
with holy awe and fear.

Lord, help me to keep,
my heart to Your keeping
so that my life will be . . .
to You always pleasing!


Proverbs 4:23

“Keep thy heart
with all diligence;
for out of it are
the issues of life.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2018
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God ~08.17.18

Sticky Note From God ~05.24.18~

God Has My Back ~

I have personal needs,
individual wants I lack
but, God always has
my spiritual back.

I trust Him to provide,
for me every day
theĀ patienceĀ to keep me
on the narrow way.

I know He will grant,
me with His grace
to meet head on
the trials I face.

I have faith knowing,
He will give me power
to overcome temptation
my every waking hour.

I have many needs,
personal wants I lack
but, I always get wisdom
whenever God I ask!


James 1:4-5

“But let patience have
her perfect work, that ye
may be perfect and entire,
wanting nothing.

If any of you lack wisdom,
let him ask of God, that giveth
to all men liberally,
and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him..”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2017
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note From God 04.10.17

Sticky Note From God 01.23.16

Sticky Note From God ~ CHRISTian poetry by deboran ann ~ 01.23.16 ~

Seeking What’s Wise ~


Lord, may I be a seeker,
a follower of Your light
may I have the wisdom
like the Magi’s had that night.

May I travel the distance,
regardless of how far
may I be willing to go
to wherever You are.

May I have the resolve,
to follow where You lead
may I see to Your will
I must be willing to heed.

May I have the tenacity,
not to ever quit
may I be to Your ways
determined to submit.

May I have the fortitude,
to journey into what’s wise
may I  have the stamina
so Your path I’ll recognize.

Lord, may I always seek You,
like the Magi’s did that night
may I have the courage . . .
to follow after wisdom’s light!


John 8:12

“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,
I am the light of the world:
he that followeth me shall not walk
in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God 12.18.15

Sticky Note To God ~ CHISTian Poetry by Deborah Ann ~ 12.18.15 ~

God’s Always Up to Something ~

God's Up to Something ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~

God works in ways,
I don’t always understand
but His plans for my life
He’s giving to me firsthand.

He’s always up to something,
on this, I can be sure . . .
yetĀ whenĀ I need a remedy
He will haveĀ for me a cure.

No matter what He’s doing,
I know it’s for my best . . .
for whenĀ I needĀ  a breather
He provides a place to rest.

When I have questions,
there’sĀ purpose in His advice
if I really heed and listen Ā . . .
I don’t have to ask Him twice.

God works in ways,
I cannot always see . . .
for He is always working
something good inside of me!


Romans 8:28

“And we know that all things
work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are
the called according to his purpose.

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Seeking God’s Counsel ~

Seeking God's Counsel ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

When I need counsel,
when guidance I seek
I turn to God’s Word
then I let itĀ speak.

For its full of wisdom,
so divinely conveyed
and I know it is God
who I need to obey.

His WordĀ won’t cause,
me to go astray
forĀ it reveals to me
the Life and theĀ Way.

I trust where it leads,
I’m sure it will show
the righteous path
God wants me to go.

God’s Word is my compass,
its full ofĀ His direction
pointing me to my final
glorious destination!


Psalm 73:24

“Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel,
and afterward receive me to glory.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

My Prayer for You ~

CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~ My Prayer for You ~ photo creation swap

I pray the Lord will be with you,
while this, you are going through
I pray you will not leave His side
so in Him, you can restfully abide.

I pray the Lord will stand with you,
give you wisdom, in what to do
I pray He’ll help to keep you still
as you seek out, His perfect will.

I pray the Lord will be your helper,
In Him, you’ll find your comforter
I pray He will show you His plans
as you dwell in His mighty hands.

I pray the Lord will be your light,
calm your fears throughout theĀ night
I pray His Word will bring you peace
and your anxiety willĀ come to cease.

I pray today the Lord is with you,
and tomorrow all will be anew
I pray the Lord will meet your need
from this burden, you’ll soon be freed!


Ephesians 6:18

“Praying always with all prayer
and supplication in the Spirit,
and watching thereunto with all
perseverance and supplication
for all saints;”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Holy Spirit ~

Holy Spirit ~ CHRISTian Poetry by deborah ann

Holy Spirit, come to me,
rest right here inside of me
guard my heart, keep my mind
let it be Your peace that I find.

Holy Spirit, come be with me,
continually support all of me
lead my soul, direct my ways
hear the words my heart prays.

Holy Spirit, come anoint me,
place your seal right here in me
Spirit of Life, Spirit of Grace
may Your wisdom I embrace.

Holy Spirit, come comfort me,
release and deliver unto me
all Your might, all Your power
counsel me every waking hour.

Holy Spirit, my Father’s gift to me,
Spirit of Christ living inside me
Spirit of God, Spirit of holy Fear
come whisper truth in my ear!


Ephesians 1:13

“In whom ye also trusted,
after that ye heard the word of truth,

the gospel of your salvation:
in whom also after that ye believed,

ye were sealed with that
holy Spirit of promise,

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Everday Opportunities ~

serve-one-anotherused with permission IBibel Verses

Lord, thank You for today,
help me, to use it wisely
let my faith inĀ You . . .
shineĀ ever so brightly.

Bring to me today,
a chance to give You glory
whether it be clear skies
or ones dark and stormy.

Let me use my gifts,
so others may truly see
the trust I have in YouĀ . . .
isĀ because,Ā You dwell in me.

Give me the right words,
let them reveal and show
the many reason why . . .
IĀ need and loveĀ You so.

Lord, thank You for today,
forĀ the dailyĀ opportunity
to do or say somethingĀ  . . .
thatĀ will last,Ā for eternity!


1 Peter 4:10

“As every man hath received the gift,
even so minister the same one to another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

Amazed ~

Amazed ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

I fear God for one reason,
and itā€™s not that Iā€™m afraid
I fear His mighty power . . .
for, it leaves me amazed.

I stare in astonishment,
as IĀ view the works of His hand
how all has come together
at His direction and command.

I worship Him and marvel,
as I gaze out into space
I stand in awesome wonder
of His mercy and His grace.

I tremble and I shake,
my understanding fails me
it’s hard to comprehend
all that I can and cannot see.

I fear God for one reason,
but, itā€™s not that I am fearful
I fear Him because I know . . .
He is mightily powerful!


Psalm 33:8

“Let all the earth fear the Lord:
let all the inhabitants of the world
stand in awe of him.”

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

King James Version
by Public Domain

God Is Wiser ~

~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~God is Wiser - IBible Verse

I asked God for strength,
but, He made me weak
so that to His will . . .
I would daily seek.

I asked God for health,
but, He made me queasy
so that I would see . . .
the faithful race wasn’t easy.

I asked God for riches,
but, He made me poor
so that I would hearĀ  . . .
Jesus’ knock on the door.

I asked God for happiness.
but, He made me sorrowful
so that for my sins . . .
I’d repent and be mournful.

I asked God why,
I didn’t get my heart’s desire
He told me it was because . . .
I AMĀ so much wiser!


1 Corinthians 1:25

“Because the foolishness of God
is wiser than men;
and the weakness of God
is stronger than men.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

My Confidence ~ My Hope

hope-is-in-the-lord CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

My confidence is in the Lord,
for I know He cares for me
I place my hope in Him
not in the things I can see.

He protects and shelters me,
in His goodness with His grace
with Him any problem
I’m able to confidently face.

I know I can count on Him,
for wisdom and for some rest
for He knows what I need
always want’s for me the best.

I am so very happy,
for in the Lord I have peace
His compassion never fails me
my hope in Him shall not cease!


Psalm 146:5

“Happy is he that hath
the God of Jacob for his help,

whose hope is in the Lord his God:”

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Captured Thoughts ~

taking-every-thought-captive CHRISTIAN poetry by deborah ann

Capture my thoughts Lord,
gird me in the truth
let me follow Thy Word
as in the days of my youth.

With childlike faith,
take into custody my mind
keep me close to You
so YourĀ ways I can find.

Control and restrain me,
release me not from Thy hold
may my heart for You
not turn luke-warm or cold.

Let me not be disillusioned,
by the wisdom of man
seize upon my belief
show meĀ Your perfect plan.

Capture my thoughts Lord,
in my mind be inĀ  control
I give to You my life . . .
let not man conquer my soul!


2 Corinthians 10:5
King James Version

“Casting down imaginations,
and every high thing that exalteth itself
against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity
every thought to the obedience of Christ;”

Deborah Ann Belka

Heavenly Hugs ~

friend CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann
So long my friend, I’ll miss you,
more than you will know . . .
I’ll miss the grains of grace
that in your blog, you daily sow.

I will miss your knowledge,
the Bible Studies you share
your reminding me always
in this world to be aware.

I will miss your wisdom,
the insights you’ve brought
I’ve grown in the lessons
you so faithfully taught.

You have been a blessing,
a source of my inspiration
for you’ve showered me
with love and appreciation.

You’ve been my on-line pal,
a buddy like no other . . .
it’s like God sent to me
my own blogging brother.

You will be in my prayers,
in my thoughts daily too
and I’ll ask the Lord
to cheer and comfort you.

This is not really goodbye,
for I know we’ll meet one day
and until we do my friend
I send “heavenly hugs” your way!


My dear blogging friend Gregory Lang has posted his last post.
My heart is sadden that He will not longer be able
to share his love for the Lord with us. I have
been so blessed by his ministry and ask you to pray with me
for God’s grace and mercy for Greg and his family.

~ I love you Greg ~


Wisdom Above All ~

wisdom CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Lord, keep my eyes open,
so I may continue to see
the Truth, Way and Light
shinning down on me.

Let my ears keep hearing,
the Good News in the Word
so I may be enlightened
to the knowledge I’ve heard.

Let my heart pursue wisdom,
above all other things . . .
so I can discern for myself
the deception Satan brings.

Lord, keep my eyes open,
let me keep Your Word near
so to its instructions . . .
I’ll be eager to hear!


Proverbs 23:12
King James Version

“Apply thine heart
unto instruction,

and thine ears
to the words
of knowledge”

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

My Shepherd’s Care ~

My Sheep ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Besides still waters He leads me,
to pastures green He guides
my Shepherd’s care for me
never wanes, ebbs or subsides.

He feeds me the Good News,
with words that sustain me
He fills me with wisdom
so His truths I can see.

To the land of milk and honey,
where heavenly manna flows
my Shepherd takes me to where
my love for righteousness grows.

He corrects with tender affection,
sometimes He uses His rod
but, I know His staff of love
will steer me to the throne of God.

Into the valley He takes me,
where I can sip from His well
the spring of Life-Giving waters
keeps my soul from the pit of hell.

Besides still waters He guides,
to pastures green He leads me
my Shepherds’ care will never cease
until with Him in heaven I be.


Psalm 23:2

ā€œHe maketh me to lie down
in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside
the still waters.ā€

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

The Real Housewife in God’s Home!

Proverbs 31.25  used with permission Creation Swap

The real housewife in God’s home,
isn’t like the one in Beverly Hills
for you won’t see her strutting about
in a short skirt and her high heels.

She has a heart that is spun of gold,
she’s full of wisdom and God’s grace
she doesn’t wear a lot of makeup
to cover her unfaithful, plastic face.

Her husband is pleased with her,
he trusts her to do what is right
she is not quarrelsome or angry
with him she does not pick a fight.

She manages all of his earthly affairs,
she doesn’t have one with her neighbor
she makes her husband proud of her
and in his eyes she holds his favor.

The real housewife in God’s house,
doesn’t go to fancy, pricey dining places
she plants, reaps, and serves her meals
to her families happy, grateful faces.

She isn’t a nosey, busy body,
and gossip to her is a dirty word
instead she shares the Gospel truth
spreading the goodness she has heard.

She isn’t an ambitious career woman,
who leaves her family to fend for itself
she is a strong, dignified, caring woman
who gives God her inner and outer self.

Her husband and children love her,
and respect her kind, generous ways
she’s not like the wives of Beverly Hills
for, she’s given God all her living days!


Based on Proverbs 31.10-31

Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

take a moment away

reconnect with yourself, God and others

Heartland Echoes

Welcome to my ā€œHeartland Echoes,ā€ where I aim to share my published poems with the world, along with my survival story and autobiography of childhood abuse, motivational quotes, and much more. Through my words, I hope to inspire others to share their own stories and experiences. Each poem is a piece of my heart and soul, along with a story of a traumatic past, crafted with inspiration, Hope, faith, love and passion. I believe that by sharing our art and emotions, Iā€™ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of community.

Confessions of a P.E.A.C.H.

Powerful, Exceptional, and Ambitiously Courageous Housewife

Anna Moore

To know Jesus, and make Him known.


delving into things I thought I knew, and things I never knew at all

Apostolic Pentecostal Network

Sharing Spiritual Wisdom to A Modern World

Through Pain Suffering , Mental Health , Addictions , Cancer , Death , Drs

Living with Purpose: Finding Meaning Amidst Life's Challenges

Site Title

ThisĀ siteĀ willĀ discussĀ TopicsĀ aboutĀ spiritualityĀ andĀ lifeĀ withĀ blindness.

Just Keith Harris

Writings and Ramblings, Thoughts and Theology | Musings and Meanderings with Words

Spiritual Reload

Renewing Truth for the Young Christian

True Living Today

with Coach Angela Dobbins

Revived Poet Society

The poets' laud who owe it to God

Living life with Jesus

Journaling my faith


Just another WordPress.com site

Morning Dew . Life

Refreshing Dew from the Word of God

A Closer Walk with God

Devotions from a Journey Through the Holy Lands

I Thank God

All in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Col 3:17

Pastore Praise

Sharing the Word of God

Whitestone Fellowship

Devotional, Devotion, Prophecy, Bible Study, Bible discussion, End of Days, End Times, Enter Ministry, Underground Church, Church, Fellowship, Tribulation, Salvation, Ordained, Love, Heaven, Miracles

Wholeheartedly Faithful

Embracing life with a faithful heart

The Red Horse War Against Gods Government understood by the parables of Jesus

"And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Revelation 6:4

"Bible 4 Reasoning"

Reasoning through the marvelous righteous Word of our Lord Jesus Christ

A Blog on Prayer

For People Who Pray

Continually Seeking Him

Seek the Lord and His strength, Seek His face continually.

Click on "Morning Blessings & Love" Blogs Below

You must warn each other every day, while it is still ā€œtoday,ā€ so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. - Hebrews 3:13-14 NLT


facilitates spiritual growth


In life's amazing journey, we begin and end with love.

The Road That Leads To Life!

Welcome to this divine abode, where seekers of the divine word come together. Prepare yourself for a truly enlightening experience, as you open your heart to the captivating voice of the Lord.

Defender Of The Faith Missions & Ministry

Defending God's people through Humanitarian Aid, Brotherly Love and HIS Word..Where so ever Dispersed!

Walking in Light

ā€œ . . . by His light I walked through darknessā€ Job 29:3

The Christian Caravan

All articles on this site use the NKJV bible unless listed otherwise.

Kingdom Moments

Based upon Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." (NASB) A blog about what the Kingdom of Heaven is; and how believers can inherit it.

Kristin Shay - Beach Therapy

Christian/ Substance Abuse /Counselor

Dan Londeree

A journey of grace

Flannel with Faith

Flannel with Faith-Embracing Imperfection with Faith, Flannel, & Fresh Air

The Eyes of My Heart

Stay true to His calling

A Heart for the Lord

Reflections on Scripture to encourage

Words of Grace & Hope

Growing in Him Daily

Learn and Grow 4ever

A life with Jesus is a life in progress.

His Song in the Night

Hope and Encouragement for Every Season

To Encourage You

Thoughts to encourage you grounded in the immeasureable treasures of God's holy Word.

A Faithful Sower

Scattering the Seeds of God's Word

Get More Ministries

Growing closer to God by getting more out of the Bible

Restoring Voice

Writings on Faith, Hope, Restoration, Growth & Other Musings


Wise virgins waiting together in the Word