Tag Archives: Living Waters

By The Living Waters ~

By the living waters,
of faith and trust . . .
hope runs deep
even in the dust.

For we who are rooted,
in His love and grace
even in a drought
will stay in the race.

By the living waters,
of strength and fortitude
even in the heat of day
we are being renewed.

For we who are grounded,
good fruit still will bare
for we have given . . .
Jesus our every care.

By the waters living,
in the heat or the dust
we will be blessed . . .
for it’s in God we trust!


John 4:11

The woman saith unto him,
Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with,
and the well is deep: from whence
then hast thou that living water?

Jeremiah 17:7-8

Blessed is the man that trusteth
in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

For he shall be as a tree planted
by the waters, and that spreadeth
out her roots by the river,
and shall not see when heat cometh,
but her leaf shall be green; and shall
not be careful in the year of drought,
neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2023
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Afternoon Ponderings ~12.29.23~

John 7:38

Sticky Note From God ~11.08.23

Isaiah 58:11

Living Waters ~

Living waters,
life giving streams
spilling over
bursting the seams.

Tis what we have,
flowing inside
when the Holy Spirit
comes to reside.

Living waters,
fountain of life
gushing with hope
to end our strife.

A life of abundance,
fluent and steady
preparing our hearts
to be eagerly ready.

Living waters,
flowing with grace
propelling us forward
in the faithful race!


John 7:38

He that believeth on me,
as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow
rivers of living water.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2023
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Good Morning Quote ~11.08.23~

Sticky Note From God ~05.08.23

John 7:38

Afternoon Ponderings ~05.08.23~

Song of Solomon 4:15

Good Morning Quote ~05.08.23~

Like A Dewdrop ~

God’s love is like a dewdrop,
that glistens in the sun
glowing in the warmth
from the light of His Son.

It’s a breath of fresh air,
full of the fragrance of spring
filling up the senses
with the beauty that it brings.

It’s as sturdy as an oak,
as solid as a Rock
firmly holding onto those
who gather as His flock.

It’s a taste of pure heaven,
a piece of pleasure and delight
to savor in the morning hours
and enjoy throughout the night.

It’s as straight as an arrow,
knowing its intended mark
aiming for those who wander
to have a change of heart.

It’s as boundless as the ocean,
an endless mountain stream
flowing with living waters
that has no edge or seam.

God’s love is gentle as a Lamb,
so tender and so calm
for it brings comfort to the soul
just like the soothing of a balm!


2 Corinthians 13:11

“Be of good comfort,
be of one mind, live in peace;
and the God of love and peace
will be with you.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2023
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

The Best Place To Go ~

Some people look to family,
for their encouragement
some seek their pastors
for spiritual nourishment.

Some people turn to books,
offering them self-care
some search their computer
for their health and welfare.

But, I have found for me,
the best place I can go
is to my Bible daily
where living waters flow.

For between the pages,
there I find my best friend
for Jesus promised me
He’d be there til the end.

Some people turn to people,
some turn to other things
but, my Bible pages I turn
for the peace I know it brings!


John 14:27

Peace I leave with you,
my peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not
your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2022
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Waters Healing~

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
where the sorrows of life
makes us beg for relief.

The hurting soul can’t calm,
or remove its own heartbreak
it needs the healing touch
of the One who won’t forsake.

We thirst for waters healing,
a peaceful resting place
where we can forget the pain
that’s so unbearable to face.

The grieving soul can’t let go,
nor cause the ache to part
only God can relieve . . .
the throbbing in its heart.

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
and only Jesus can bring
the anguished soul true relief!


Philippians 4:7

“And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”

King James Bible
Public Domain

Copyright 2013 Revised 2021
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

Sticky Note From God ~04.23.20~

Proverbs 4:23

The Gulf of Grief ~

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
where the sorrows of this life
leaves us begging for relief.

The hurting soul can’t calm,
or remove the heartbreak
it needs the healing touch
of the One who won’t forsake.

We thirst for healing waters,
for a peaceful resting place
where we can purge the pain
that’s too unbearable to face.

The grieving soul can’t let go,
nor cause the ache to part
only God can relieve . . .
the throbbing in its heart.

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
and only Jesus can bring
the heartbroken true relief!


Philippians 4:7

“And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2013 Revised 2020
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God ~03.23.18~

Sticky Note to God 01.28.18

My Soul Thirsts ~

Lord, in the aridness,
of my heart and soul
my thirst is for You . . .
to reign and take control.

I long to absorb and drink,
from Your holy Word
to feel the Living Waters
in my mind being stirred.

Lord, in the dryness,
of my daily normality
my thirst is for You . . .
to bring lasting vitality.

I long to be nourished,
with the Truth and Life
to feel Your stilling peace
dissolve my earthly strife.

Lord, my soul thirsts,
for You solely . . .
tis why I seek You
with my heart wholly!


Psalm 63:1

“O God, thou art my God;
early will I seek thee:
my soul thirsteth for thee,
my flesh longeth for thee
in a dry and thirsty land,
where no water is;”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2017
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God 07.22.17

Stay Thirsty My Friend ~

Jesus the Living Water ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~ used with permission IBible Verses

Stay thirsty my friend,
keep wanting more . . .
of the Living Waters
that heal and restore.

Stay drinking my friend,
from the Well of Grace
quench your thirsty souls
in God’s loving embrace.

Stay thirsty my friend,
in these days of decline
keep sipping the victory
from the One True Vine.

Stay refreshed my friend,
in the Fountain of Life
lest your faith wither
from worry and strife.

Stay thirsty my friend,
keep panting for more
of the Life Giving Waters
leading to heaven’s door!


John 4:14

“But whosoever drinketh of the water
that I shall give him shall never thirst;
but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

The Living Fountain ~

CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~Thrist No More - IBible Verse

When my soul is parched,
from all the weariness . . .
when my heart cries out
enough ~ to the dreariness.

I go to the Living Fountain,
sip from the Word of hope
praying all the while . . .
Lord, give me strength to cope.

The Word’s spoken by Jesus,
are the streams of eternal life
as they ebb and flow within
they decrease my inner strife.

Anything from my Savior,
is all I need to satisfy . . .
the thirst of this drained soul
just one Word ~ will gratify.

When my soul is parched,
from all the  dreariness . . .
I read my Bible, so Jesus
can quench the weariness!


John 4:14

“But whosoever drinketh of the water
that I shall give him shall never thirst;
but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God 03.12.15

CHISTian Poetry by Deborah Ann ~ Sticky Note To God ~ 03.12.15 ~

Keep Me Thristy, Lord ~

Water Bottle by Daniel R free photo #10215

Keep me thirsty Lord,
let not my soul dry out
keep me in the Word
where hope runs throughout.

Keep me thirsty Lord,
let not my love wane or wither
keep me in the Bible
where joy flows like a river.

Keep me thirsty Lord,
let not my heart shrivel
keep me in the Scriptures
where peace never fizzles.

Keep me thirsty Lord,
let not my spirit dehydrate
keep me in the Verses
where grace never evaporates.

Keep me thirsty Lord,
let not my faith decrease or shrink
keep me in the Word  . . .
where living waters I can drink!


John 7:3

“In the last day, that great day of the feast,
Jesus stood and cried, saying,
If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

The Well of Life ~

Jesus the Living Water ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann ~ used with permission IBible Verses

There is a well,
it’s as deep as it is long
it is full of compassion
it holds salvation’s song.

It stores living waters,
it’ll never run dry or out
it contains eternal hope
it satisfies, souls in drought.

There is a well,
it quench’s those thirsty
it is full of kindliness
it overflows with mercy.

It holds everlasting joy,
it’s the well of eternal  life
it’s where all can draw
peace instead of strife.

There is a well,
just one sip from its water
I promise you . . .
your life ~ Jesus will alter!


Isaiah 12:2-3

“Behold, God is my salvation;
I will trust, and not be afraid:
for the Lord Jehovah is my strength
and my song; he also is become my salvation.

Therefore with joy shall ye draw
water out of the wells of salvation.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

Sticky Note to God 7.6.14

Sticky Note To God 7.6.14

Living Water ~

Water Bottle by Daniel R free photo #10215

Are you happy,
are you satisfied
does your life now
leave you gratified?

Or are you wanting,
something else
something you can’t find
within yourself?

Are you comfortable,
are you content
do you have all you need
in any event?

Or are you finding,
there has to be more
though you have it all
you still feel poor?

Then my friends . . .
I know what you need
there are living waters
that will never recede.

All you have now,
will turn into rust . . .
but, Jesus is someone
you can always trust.

He’ll quench your thirst,
with hope He’ll fill you
and a new life He’ll breathe
right into you too.

So come my friends,
be filled with His fullness
from the water of grace
drink in Jesus’ goodness!


John 7:37

“In the last day, that great day
of the feast, Jesus stood and cried,
saying, If any man thirst, let him
come unto me, and drink”
King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

The Bridge ~


There is a bridge you can take,
it leads to water’s living . . .
it’s there you’ll find peace
merciful and forgiving.

Over trials and tribulations,
it will take you across
the span of His loving hands
will lead you to the cross.

It is a bridge of assurance,
trouble waters will not last
and for you He has a future
much better than the past.

The hardships in this life,
will take faith to get through
and Jesus is the bridge linking
His Father right to you!


John 14:6
King James Version

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way,
the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

Copyright 2014
Deborah Ann Belka

My Shepherd’s Care ~

My Sheep ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Besides still waters He leads me,
to pastures green He guides
my Shepherd’s care for me
never wanes, ebbs or subsides.

He feeds me the Good News,
with words that sustain me
He fills me with wisdom
so His truths I can see.

To the land of milk and honey,
where heavenly manna flows
my Shepherd takes me to where
my love for righteousness grows.

He corrects with tender affection,
sometimes He uses His rod
but, I know His staff of love
will steer me to the throne of God.

Into the valley He takes me,
where I can sip from His well
the spring of Life-Giving waters
keeps my soul from the pit of hell.

Besides still waters He guides,
to pastures green He leads me
my Shepherds’ care will never cease
until with Him in heaven I be.


Psalm 23:2

“He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures:
he leadeth me beside
the still waters.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

Healing Waters ~

Peace that Surpasses used with permission IBible Verses on Facebook

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
where the sorrows of this life
leaves us begging for relief.

The hurting soul can’t calm,
or remove its own heartbreak
it needs the healing touch
of the One who won’t forsake.

We thirst for healing waters,
for a peaceful resting place
where we can forget the pain
that’s too unbearable to face.

The grieving soul can’t let go,
nor cause the ache to part
only God can relieve . . .
the throbbing in its heart.

In the depth of despair,
there is a gulf of grief . . .
and only Jesus can bring
the anguished true relief!


Philippians 4:7
King James Version

“And the peace of God,
which passeth all understanding,
shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.”

Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

To Be That Deer ~

To Be That Deer ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Lord, may I be that deer,
that pants after You . . .
may Your living waters
in my life run always true.

May I thirst after You,
more and more each day
may I find Your mercies
as I go along my way.

May I long to seek You,
to know Your perfect will
may You be the strength
keeping me calm and still.

May I sip from the brook,
flowing with eternal grace
may it be Your undying love
my heart cries to embrace.

Lord, may my life reflect,
my desire to be near
may my soul pant . . .
after You, just like a deer!


Psalm 42:1-2

“As the hart panteth
after the water brooks,

so panteth my soul after thee,
O God.

My soul thirsteth for God,
for the living God:

when shall I come
and appear before God?”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2013
Deborah Ann Belka

Thirsty Souls ~

The soul thirsts,
after rivers deep
pant like gasps
from inside seep.

Murmurs heard,
from parched lips
needing more
more ~ than tiny sips.

Living waters,
or living hell
flowing streams
or dried up old well.

The arid soul,
is keen and eager
for its full share
not what is meager.

Spring of hope,
scorched creek bed
the thirsty soul needs
the Fountainhead.

Bitter waters,
God will soon heal
water of life flows
from Calvary Hill.

The soul thirsts
after rivers deep
but only God . . .
makes them seep!


Exodus 17:3

“And the people thirsted there for water; and
the people murmured against Moses, and
said, Wherefore is this that thou hast brought
us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children
and our cattle with thirst?”

Copyright 2012
Deborah Ann Belka

Grace and Faith Ministries

God's plan for his children includes having victory and dominion. The Holy Spirit, through God's word, will teach us how to live spiritual and fruitful lives.

Redwood Journal

Writings by Harry Martin, Permanent Deacon.


This site is about the life and times of a grateful heart transplant patient and is dedicated to the man that saved my life, Benny Keith Ward

The Way Of The Word

Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. Psalm 25:4-5a

My Thoughts about Revival

Revival, Biblical Lessons, Apostolic

A Richer Walk

The Teaching Ministry of Richard Walker

Spiritual Wrestler

To glorify God and enjoy Him forever

A Boy and His Bible

Reflections on God, Scripture, and Theology.

Getting the Seed out of the basket and into hungry hearts. Matthew 13

Learning more about Jesus while encouraging others.


Life from a Christian Perspective

Faith along the way

My faith and things God is teaching me along the way. This is my own personal journey with God.

Walking Wounded

By His stripes we are healed!


Nourish to flourish

Holy Envy

"More holiness give me. More strivings within. More faith in my Savior. More hope in his word." -Philip Paul Bliss

A Russty Follower of Christ

Freeing the world from a little rust one post at a time!

Love Peace & Stories

Poems and Stories galore!


The Writing Machine

Willie Torres Jr.

Christian Writings, Testimonies, Prayers and Inspiration

take a moment away

reconnect with yourself, God and others

Heartland Echoes

Welcome to my “Heartland Echoes,” where I aim to share my published poems with the world, along with my survival story and autobiography of childhood abuse, motivational quotes, and much more. Through my words, I hope to inspire others to share their own stories and experiences. Each poem is a piece of my heart and soul, along with a story of a traumatic past, crafted with inspiration, Hope, faith, love and passion. I believe that by sharing our art and emotions, I’ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of community.

Confessions of a P.E.A.C.H.

Powerful, Exceptional, and Ambitiously Courageous Housewife

Anna Moore

To know Jesus, and make Him known.


delving into things I thought I knew, and things I never knew at all

Apostolic Pentecostal Network

Sharing Spiritual Wisdom to A Modern World

Through Pain Suffering , Mental Health , Addictions , Cancer , Death , Drs

Living with Purpose: Finding Meaning Amidst Life's Challenges

Site Title

This site will discuss Topics about spirituality and life with blindness.

Just Keith Harris

Writings and Ramblings, Thoughts and Theology | Musings and Meanderings with Words

Spiritual Reload

Renewing Truth for the Young Christian

True Living Today

with Coach Angela Dobbins

Revived Poet Society

The poets' laud who owe it to God

Living life with Jesus

Journaling my faith


Just another WordPress.com site

Morning Dew . Life

Refreshing Dew from the Word of God

A Closer Walk with God

Devotions from a Journey Through the Holy Lands

I Thank God

All in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Col 3:17

Pastore Praise

Sharing the Word of God

Whitestone Fellowship

Devotional, Devotion, Prophecy, Bible Study, Bible discussion, End of Days, End Times, Enter Ministry, Underground Church, Church, Fellowship, Tribulation, Salvation, Ordained, Love, Heaven, Miracles

Wholeheartedly Faithful

Embracing life with a faithful heart

The Red Horse War Against Gods Government understood by the parables of Jesus

"And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Revelation 6:4

"Bible 4 Reasoning"

Reasoning through the marvelous righteous Word of our Lord Jesus Christ

A Blog on Prayer

For People Who Pray

Continually Seeking Him

Seek the Lord and His strength, Seek His face continually.

Click on "Morning Blessings & Love" Blogs Below

You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. - Hebrews 3:13-14 NLT


facilitates spiritual growth