Migraines ~

Light flashes,
lines zig-zagging
arms go limp
eyes starts sagging.

Dizzy and woozy,
room is a spinning
migraine headache
is just beginning.

Close my eyes,
go with the flow
sit back and watch
the light show.

Throbbing starts,
take migraine pill
try to relax
and just be still.

Shut off lights,
turn down sound
as head goes . . .
pound, pound, pound.

Rockin and reeling,
from the pain
oh, how I wish
to end this migraine.

If you suffer,
just like I do . . .
please let me know
so I can pray for you!


3 John 2

“Beloved, I wish above all things
that thou mayest prosper
and be in health,
even as thy soul prospereth.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2017
Deborah Ann Belka

About Deborah Ann Belka

I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. My Holy Spirit inspired poetry tells of my trust in God, my faith in Christ Jesus my Savior and my journey into finding peace that truly passes all understanding. I pray it will be a blessing to all who read it ~ To God Be The Glory! ~ View all posts by Deborah Ann Belka

28 responses to “Migraines ~

  • Kristi Ann

    Amen-Amein Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Deborah!! God Bless you Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Deborah and Your Family members and Friends!!

    I get migraine headaches, because of my disc rupture at C5-C6, I have to wear a neck brace!!

    May our ONE TRUE GOD the FATHER who art in Heaven Above Bless all my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and my Messianic Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua!!

    Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday HE is KING of kings and LORD ( ADONAI ) of lords and, HE is the ALPHA and OMEGA!! Glory Glory Hallelujah and Maranatha!!

    I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED 💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

    Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deborah Ann

      I had my C3-C5 fused together ten years ago. I am now having troubles with the ones not fused and they too are creating migraines for me. Do you have any articles on cervical neck problems and migraines? There are a few out there that I have found but I would like to get more information on it. My prayers are with you dear Sister in Christ as I know you have many health issues. So thankful we have a merciful God who gives us our daily strength. ~ Have a blesse day with Jesus ~

      Liked by 1 person

  • Maria, a gentle iconoclast

    Deborah Ann, I don’t have these and am sorry you do. May the Lord help you in all aspects of this! Lord bless you, sister!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deborah Ann

      I am so glad that you are not a migraine sufferer! Thank you for your prayer. Since I only started getting these five years ago and they were all new to me, I did some research. I have read about how they affect people in so many different ways. I thank the dear Lord, that mine are not as bad as some peoples are! ~ Blessings to you and yours ~

      Liked by 2 people

  • Steve

    My prayers are with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  • Wally Fry

    I don’t but I will for you

    Liked by 2 people

  • tezangela123@aol.com


    Awwww. 😞 And you do suffer with migraines, just like Deborah Ann. I’m so sorry for both of you . . . for anyone who suffers with these terrible headaches. My mom used to.

    Here’s something I just read, yesterday, that might be worth checking in to:


    God bless you both.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deborah Ann

      Thank you for the link I will go check out this as I have been reading something about migraine glasses that block out a certain light. Mine are caused by light so I will definitely be interested in the article. ~ Stay Blessed ~


  • tezangela123@aol.com


    Dreaded Migraine (time stealer)

    To-day, I do not feel very well, still, nobody notices it, no one can tell, but I’m feeling very ill! A migraine over one eye, Oh! The horrible, throbbing, time robbing pain! The upset sickly feelings once more, with a vengeance back again! Got to try to put on a brave face, but feel like just dropping out of the human race, actually, I feel like hell! And want to crawl back into my shell, back to my bed, pulling the covers up, over my exploding head! Just to lock myself away, feeling like, the living dead! In my own prison cell, away from the noise, the light, and any strong smell, willing and hoping, and praying, it will disappear, to wish, with all my heart, to be rid of it, for it to depart! To be released from this cursed plight! to feel normal, my old self ,back in the land of the living, free of pain, migraine! Just to be alright, feel like myself, and be me once again! by..Angela Mary.. wrote years ago..


    • Deborah Ann

      Hi there Angela Mary how are you doing? Thank you for your prayers 🙂 I love your poem it says it all . . . MIGRAINES are nasty and I have such compassion for anyone who suffers from them. I pray yours will continue to only get better! ~ Have a Blessed day with Jesus ~

      Liked by 1 person

      • Angela Mary

        Hi there Deborah Ann I’m doing fine thank you..I hope you are also..at the moment..yes they are very nasty are.. migraines.. I think mine was caused by my hormones as I started with mine very bad going through the menopause .. but I am light sensitive too and any strong smells like heavy perfumes can set one off..it’s pin pointing it what sets them off stress can also set them off.. and I’ve heard air pressure changing.. can cause migraines…and they can be genetic heriditory as in my family some have them also.. they’re not as bad now thank you God for that(:anyway.. take care..
        have a nice day…. it’s lovely and sunny where I live now.. it was raining not long since it chops and changes like our moods and our lives things..with what it brings,,Brightest Summer blessings to you and yours..Angela Mary..x


        • Deborah Ann

          Thank you for the link about the light. I have been looking at some migraine glasses that help block out a certain light that they link to migraines. So I will be comparing the two . . . might be worth a try. Our summer has been really nice too 🙂 Not too hot nor cool so we are really enjoying the nice weather as it will not last and soon we will be heading into nine months of clouds and rain 😦 ~ Blessings To you and yours ~


      • Angela Mary

        Hi again I was thinking maybe food can cause migraines also? my hubby has them as well with the aura .. I’ve only had the aura ones twice but are so.. scarey it reminds me of a kaliedoscope affect but in white sparkly shiny things..there’s many kinds of migraines to treat.. at the moment I’m not on.. medication like you are ..thankfully too(: they say it maybe how we are as people in our things our. ways also too much our personalities..perfectionists maybe push ourselves way too hard at times..who knows? but feeling sorry for others with it.. there’s a British migraine society that’s good with tips and causes too on migraines..anyway must fly away got lots to do take care hope you ..all have a happy blessed.. nice migraine free weekend..take care out there.. love (and light) always.. Angela Mary..x


        • Deborah Ann

          Yes, food is one of the triggers. I take herbs and minerals only for my migraines and an Advil for migraine. No pharmaceutical drugs! This year I added ginger root and felt relief right away. I have read many sites and have a few books on migraines and to be truthful I don’t think anyone really knows what causes them 🙂 My last for about three months were I will get on a week and then I will get two in one day followed by 6-7 more in one week . . . then I will only get one or two a month or maybe even go for a month or two without them. They do have a mind of there own!! ~ Hope you are having a wonderful day with our Lord ~


  • Robbie

    I used to have migraines quite like this but that was back when I did a lot of accounting and computer work. Now i do not have them so much. Thank the Lord for that.
    They are not pleasant.


    • Deborah Ann

      No, they are not pleasant. I never had them when I was younger (Thank You Lord) but only started getting them in my late fifties! So, I am thankful that I am able to stay home and just chill until the effects where off 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  • Julie (aka Cookie)

    I’ve suffered from migraines since the 7th grade—I’m now 57—and just today, I thought I caught a glimpse of zigging light out of the far left corner of my left eye— panic griped me—as I’ve aged, they have subsided a great deal…but I never know when one will come back…..


    • Deborah Ann

      I only started getting them in my late fifties. I thought I was having a stroke at first. But, by the end of the day I read all about migraines with auras. I sometimes just shut my eyes to see if there are zig-zagging lines waiting to attack and I am relieved when none are there 🙂 I will be praying that you won’t be see the “zigging lights” anymore! ~ Have a blessed day with Jesus ~

      Liked by 2 people

      • Julie (aka Cookie)

        thank you Deborah Ann—and my prayers for you as well—it can be very disconcerting when one is coming on—when I was still teaching and I thought I caught movement out of the corner of one eye–I’d stop, closing both eyes just to make certain.
        Somedays it was indeed the zigzagging.
        The aura would last about 20 minutes, growing in intensity, taking up my full clear vision, filling it with a multicolored pulsating zigzag that made seeing near impossible–closing my eyes meant I saw it then behind my lids…
        but being in the classroom, I couldn’t leave—so i’d tell my students that I had a migraine coming on and we’d do the best we could until my vision was clear—and that was when the intense throbbing headache would begin.

        For a while, I did the imitrex injection–I’d make a mad dash to the teacher’s lounge to jam the imitrex pen into my thigh and dash back to class—but I never had much luck from that. Bearing through it was about all I could do—
        They are awful and I am sorry that you are dealing with such—
        They say St Hildegard of Bingen suffered migraines—part of what played into her heavenly visions—
        I just don’t think in Heaven I’ll get the pounding brain pain 🙂
        hugs and prayers!!!


        • Deborah Ann

          I am so thankful that my migraines came after I was no longer working or had young children 🙂 My doctor has tried to get me to take some meds but I haven chosen not to. I do take some herbal and mineral supplements and they do lesson the time frame of each migraine. I started taking ginger root this year and it helped the headache greatly. You are right, there will be no migraines in heaven Hallelujah and praise the Lord!! ~ Have a blessed migraine free day with Jesus ~

          Liked by 1 person

          • Julie (aka Cookie)

            Whatever works is great– I usually took about 4 Motrin and simply waited it out. The following day my head / poor brain would hurt if I coughed or sneezed- almost like a sore muscle– it’s really amazing how the body works!


            • Deborah Ann

              I think that is part of the “migraine hangover.” I know that for a few days after one hits me, my mind feels like it went on vacation without me and my head feels like it’s in some kind of holding pattern!


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