Tag Archives: Lukewarm

Afternoon Ponderings~04.15.19

Today Is Your Day Lord ~

Lord, Today is Your Day ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Today is Your day Lord,
I give it to You
to do in my life
what only You can do.

I give You my mind,
to mold and to form
so You can keep it
from turning lukewarm.

I give You my heart,
to shape and contour
so You can remove
all that is impure.

I give you my soul,
to have and to own
so it can be made
Your very own home.

Today is Your day Lord,
may all that I do . . .
show my commitment
and my love for You!


Proverbs 16:3

“Commit thy works
unto the Lord,

and thy thoughts
shall be established.”

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2016
Deborah Ann Belka

We Need More FIRE ~

Holy Spirit by George Webster free photo #8684

We need more fire,
from our pulpits today
we need less smoke
about spiritual decay.

We need more brimstone,
in our sermons today
we need less indifference
as to why we go astray.

We need more heat,
from our preachers today
we need less aloofness
about the narrow way.

We need more fervor,
from our teachers today
we need less remoteness
about judgment day.

We need more passion,
from our churches today
we need to detach ourselves
from its idle hearsay!


2 Timothy 4:2

“Preach the word; be instant in season,
out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort
 with all long suffering and doctrine.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

We Need a Revival ~

We Need A True Revival ~ CHRISTian poetry by deborah ann

Lord, we need to shift,
away from basic survival
we need to be moved . . .
to a place of true revival.

We need a spiritual jolt,
for we’ve become lukewarm
we need to be energized
so lives You can transform.

We need to break free,
from the same old routine
we need to be for You . . .
a soul saving machine.

We need to get motivated,
for we’re neither hot nor cold
we need to stop being tolerable
so for You we can be bold.

Lord, we need an awakening,
a real spiritual kick
lest You spit us out . . .
because we make You sick!


Revelation 3:15-16

“I know thy works, that thou art
neither cold nor hot: I would
thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm,
and neither cold nor hot, I will
 spue thee out of my mouth.”

King James Version
by Public Domain

Copyright 2015
Deborah Ann Belka

Grace and Faith Ministries

God's plan for his children includes having victory and dominion. The Holy Spirit, through God's word, will teach us how to live spiritual and fruitful lives.

Redwood Journal

Writings by Harry Martin, Permanent Deacon.


This site is about the life and times of a grateful heart transplant patient and is dedicated to the man that saved my life, Benny Keith Ward

The Way Of The Word

Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me. Psalm 25:4-5a

My Thoughts about Revival

Revival, Biblical Lessons, Apostolic

A Richer Walk

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Spiritual Wrestler

To glorify God and enjoy Him forever

A Boy and His Bible

Reflections on God, Scripture, and Theology.

Getting the Seed out of the basket and into hungry hearts. Matthew 13

Learning more about Jesus while encouraging others.


Life from a Christian Perspective

Faith along the way

My faith and things God is teaching me along the way. This is my own personal journey with God.

Walking Wounded

By His stripes we are healed!


Nourish to flourish

Holy Envy

"More holiness give me. More strivings within. More faith in my Savior. More hope in his word." -Philip Paul Bliss

A Russty Follower of Christ

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Love Peace & Stories

Poems and Stories galore!


The Writing Machine

Willie Torres Jr.

Christian Writings, Testimonies, Prayers and Inspiration

take a moment away

reconnect with yourself, God and others

Heartland Echoes

Welcome to my “Heartland Echoes,” where I aim to share my published poems with the world, along with my survival story and autobiography of childhood abuse, motivational quotes, and much more. Through my words, I hope to inspire others to share their own stories and experiences. Each poem is a piece of my heart and soul, along with a story of a traumatic past, crafted with inspiration, Hope, faith, love and passion. I believe that by sharing our art and emotions, I’ll be able to connect with others on a deeper level and create a sense of community.

Confessions of a P.E.A.C.H.

Powerful, Exceptional, and Ambitiously Courageous Housewife

Anna Moore

To know Jesus, and make Him known.


delving into things I thought I knew, and things I never knew at all

Apostolic Pentecostal Network

Sharing Spiritual Wisdom to A Modern World

Through Pain Suffering , Mental Health , Addictions , Cancer , Death , Drs

Living with Purpose: Finding Meaning Amidst Life's Challenges

Site Title

This site will discuss Topics about spirituality and life with blindness.

Just Keith Harris

Writings and Ramblings, Thoughts and Theology | Musings and Meanderings with Words

Spiritual Reload

Renewing Truth for the Young Christian

True Living Today

with Coach Angela Dobbins

Revived Poet Society

The poets' laud who owe it to God

Living life with Jesus

Journaling my faith


Just another WordPress.com site

Morning Dew . Life

Refreshing Dew from the Word of God

A Closer Walk with God

Devotions from a Journey Through the Holy Lands

I Thank God

All in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. - Col 3:17

Pastore Praise

Sharing the Word of God

Whitestone Fellowship

Devotional, Devotion, Prophecy, Bible Study, Bible discussion, End of Days, End Times, Enter Ministry, Underground Church, Church, Fellowship, Tribulation, Salvation, Ordained, Love, Heaven, Miracles

Wholeheartedly Faithful

Embracing life with a faithful heart

The Red Horse War Against Gods Government understood by the parables of Jesus

"And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword." Revelation 6:4

"Bible 4 Reasoning"

Reasoning through the marvelous righteous Word of our Lord Jesus Christ

A Blog on Prayer

For People Who Pray

Continually Seeking Him

Seek the Lord and His strength, Seek His face continually.

Click on "Morning Blessings & Love" Blogs Below

You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. - Hebrews 3:13-14 NLT


facilitates spiritual growth