Every Day Choices ~

Every day we make choices,
what to eat, to wear, to do
day-to-day there’s options
God places in front of you.

Every day there are decisions,
influencing our daily life
some will bring endless joy
others only eternal strife.

Every day we must decide,
the things to us that matter
some make our faith stronger
others causes it to scatter.

Every day we can pick,
which path or road to take
some are straight and narrow
others lead to the wide gate.

Every day we need to select,
where to lay up our treasure
each new day we need to fix on
what will bring God pleasure.

We need to make choices,
each and every day
and it is up to each of us . . .
to follow Jesus along the way!


Matthew 7:13

“Enter ye in at the strait gate:
for wide is the

gate, and broad is the way,
that leadeth to destruction

 and many there be
which go in  there at:”

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord
with all thine heart;
and lean not unto
thine own understanding.

In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.

King James Version
Public Domain

Copyright 2023
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

About Deborah Ann Belka

I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. My Holy Spirit inspired poetry tells of my trust in God, my faith in Christ Jesus my Savior and my journey into finding peace that truly passes all understanding. I pray it will be a blessing to all who read it ~ To God Be The Glory! ~ View all posts by Deborah Ann Belka

25 responses to “Every Day Choices ~

  • Every Day Choices-Christian poetry – QuietMomentsWithGod

    […] Posted inUncategorized Every Day Choices ~ […]


  • BT

    “choose you this day whom ye will serve…” Joshua 24:15



  • Every Day Choices – Jesus the Righteous Path

    […] CHRISTian poetry ~ by deborah ann […]


  • robindd4l

    This one scheduled to reblog for tomorrow at 7:30am. God bless you Deborah and have a beautiful weekend….Robin


  • Chris

    Hi Deborah. This is one of my favorite scriptures. We have it stenciled on the wall in our bathroom.

    I hope all is well. I don’t check in as often as I should but life is busy and that’s a good thing. I am beginning to renovate my blog a bit. Lately, I’ve been taking a few of the top posts and looking at them so that I can fix any problems that I now see, like broken video links. It will take a long time to get through the entire blog but it will be worth it.

    I always enjoy your posts. I don’t see them all but the WordPress Reader gives me a very good idea of what you are going through any particular day (or what you are thinking at least). Sometimes I will come to your blog and read something that I can’t fully see on the Reader. Your shorter posts can almost always be seen to the point of knowing exactly what your point is.

    I’ve been following your blog for years now (as you probably well know) and I hope you continue to enjoy many more years of blogging. And I hope to enjoy many more years of reading your posts!

    As always, God’s blessings be with you and may the peace of the Lord be yours in abundance.


    • Deborah Ann Belka

      Hi Chris, good to catch up with you. I too need to do what you are planning to do with your blog but . . . not now 🙂 All is going well just taking things a lot slower now. No big hurry to get anything done. Still spending my mornings in my office working on my blog. Been doing it for 13 years 10 of those on a daily basis. I keep asking the Lord when He is going to give me the axe, but He still is employing me in my service for Him! So I just keep on Keeping on. My mom turns 97 soon. She lives with my sister and because of her mental condition it is a full time job. I call both my sister and mom daily to give them support. My other sister who leaves close by helps out too. Think about you often and all the help and support you and your sister gave your mom. Your story is a source of encouragement to my sisters and me. ❤ Take care my friend stay healthy and safe under the shadow of His wings ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Chris

        Hi Deborah.

        It was so good to “hear” from you as well! I mentioned my blogging plans and I can’t even seem to have enough time to answer comments in a timely manner.
        Well, my intentions are good I think. I have already made some changes to a few things that have ended up on my “top posts” but I am just getting started.
        It’s nice to hear that you are taking things slower these days.


    • Chris

      I hope I’m putting this in the right place, Deborah. I accidentally finished my comment too soon. I have no idea how that happened but I had more to “say” like:

      I’m so glad you’ve been able to slow down some. I think that is a very good plan. It is quite something that you’ve been at this daily for so long. I’ve slowed my blogging pace. I think I’ll have more posts this year than last year, but we’ll see.

      My Mom was 85 when she passed away and she had a full life. My grandma passed away at 95 but I don’t know of anyone in my family who got to 97. I guess God numbers our days (Job 14:5) so I will be happy with anything past today.

      I’m glad you are keeping in good contact with your sisters during this period of time. Is your mom able to understand you and know who you are much of the time? As my mom neared her passing, she thought there were two of me. She was very confused but I’m thankful she didn’t suffer much because of the medications the hospice helped me to administer. Is your mom on hospice?

      I’m glad that my experience can be of any encouragement to you. I know that God gave me the strength to help my Mom and I am very thankful for that. There are so many Bible verses that gave me encouragement, verses that my Mom helped me to learn by making sure I made it to Sunday school and Church when I was young.

      I know you know your Bible well and so many of the verses that you’ve shared on this blog are very helpful at times like this. The verses you’ve shared in this post are very helpful.

      My family is well for the most part. I am very thankful.

      Thank you for your kind words. May God bless you as well! (I know He has because of your wonderful posts.)

      God’s blessings always my friend…


      • Deborah Ann Belka

        The slowing down is more with the bones and not the brains. It’s funny how my mind says you can do it and then my body say no you can’t. So I am letting my body decide what and when I can do things. I think they came up with a good compromise as I am able to spend at least two hours a day getting things done. I can sit at my computer for hours so until my body says other wise I will keep on keeping on. My mom is very alert, and is not in hospice. But she does not have control of her OCD and that is taking a toil on everyone. She will call me up to 30 times a day with her OCD issues! She refused to get help until last year and she is now on meds but so many of her issues are so embedded that the medicine only reduces her anxiety but does not help her with her compulsion and my sisters are being forced to carry them out for her!

        Glad to hear thing are going well for you and your family. Chris you really helped me when my son died and I will always be grateful for our friendship in Christ. May God keep you and yours protected always under the shadow of His almighty wings 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

        • Chris

          The brains certainly seem to be doing fine, Deborah.

          You are already on my prayer list but I just added your mom and sisters. In fact, I just copied this last comment to my prayer list so that I won’t forget the situation.
          My prayer list is quite long so I don’t cover it daily. My goal is to make it through the entire thing in a week.

          Letting your body decide what and when you can do things is something I am learning as well. I am in the process of digging a hole in the backyard to fix a well line pipe leak that goes to the house. The ground here is mostly rock and clay with only 4 or so inches of topsoil. I fixed the leak and have found another small leak that should be pretty easy to fix as well. I am waiting for things to cool off before finishing the job. It felt like 117 one day last week because of the humidity and there was no way I was going to work in that. I sweated enough digging the hole in some days that felt around 90. I tried not to overdo it, tried to stay in the shade as much as possible (my very smart wife told me to move the patio umbrella to where I was working and she didn’t have to tell me twice!), and I drank plenty of fluids.

          It rained today and it’s cooling off some so I’m hoping to finish the job when the weather is favorable.

          Having the phone ring 30 times each day from one person would be a bit annoying. Depending on how long you had to be on the phone each time it could be beyond annoying. I can only imagine what your sisters are having to deal with. I will be praying for all four of you. Our moms are so precious but when things start happening like this it can be very difficult in many ways.

          Thank you for your kind words. I remember the tragic situation with your son. It is amazing how God got you through that. His help to you is reflected in so many of your poems and other posts. I am glad I could be of help in any way. I hope his wife and kids are doing well.

          I just went back and read an email that I sent you in February of 2018. I saved that email because it had the events of the tragic events you shared with me.


      • Chris

        I did it again, Debby. I sent another comment early. I’ll continue…

        In the email I just referenced you called yourself Debby. Since you allowed me to do that in the past I will try to remember to do that from now on.

        I forgot to mention that I’m aware that you are aware how difficult this is for your mom. This makes the entire thing even harder on everyone. Again, all of you will be in my prayers.

        Rereading that email is difficult. I can’t even imagine going through something like that. I do know that God was with you as, by the time you sent the email in 2018, you were doing okay. It was three years after the event and God was obviously with you by the things you were able to do and the attitude you had.

        It is quite amazing and a real encouragement to me to see how God helped you through that and how He continues to help you as evidenced by your blog.

        I pray that God will help us keep on keeping on until we meet in heaven someday. I suppose that is a given since He got us this far and because He will be with us always, “even to the end of the age.”

        God bless and keep you always my friend…


        • Deborah Ann Belka

          No problem Chris I often do the same thing hitting a wrong key or hitting enter when I didn’t mean to or something else that posts things in sections . . .

          I do appreciate your prayers for my family. My older sister is the key care giver at 75 and she calls me crying about how difficult it is for her. My other sister who is 73 isn’t much help and has been gone for three weeks leaving my older sister unable to leave the house.

          We all believe my mom needs to be in a mental health place, but my mom refuses to go. When she is not obsessing about things her mind is quite lucid and she is able to make good decisions for herself. I finally after 75 years of her not going to a doctor got her to go see one. She is on meds that are helping but they do not take away the OCD.

          She is in good health otherwise. Last year she fell and broke both her hip and upper leg and we all thought that was going to be it . . . but, she pulled through and even went back home and lived by herself for a while.

          Yes, the tragic loss of my son was unbearable and it is truly when I learned how to give my burdens to Jesus! His wife has remarried and has a three year old. Her new husband is a Christian and for the first time in her life she is going to church and talks about faith and God and words I never heard her say. She told me she has found the missing piece in her life. I prayed the Lord would send her a good Christian husband and he did. He loves my sons children and they love him so all is well with my soul!

          Well I am going to try to post this all in one piece. I pray your day is a blessed one it was good to share with you again my friend

          Liked by 1 person

          • Chris

            Hi Debby,

            Since I see your blog posts almost every day, I will be reminded more than just once a week or so to pray for you, your sisters, and your mom.

            I’m glad you shared some of the specifics with me. It will allow me to be more specific in my prayers.

            I will pray for all of you and particularly your older sister who is taking so much of the load. I’m glad you were able to talk your mom into going to the doctor. Something like that can be very important.

            I was fortunate that my mom, even though she fell hard several times (and once ended up in the hospital with a huge bruise on her head), never broke her hip. I’ve heard that that happens to so many older women and that it really complicates things.

            It is nice to know that your son’s former wife is doing so well. Her husband sounds like a wonderful guy.

            Thank you for your kind words, Debby. May God bless your weekend!

            God’s blessings…


  • robindd4l

    Wow it’s like you read my mind Deborah…..I just posted on Psalms 119 and it’s so similar. Anyways, I’ll be picking this one to reblog sometime this week. I so enjoy reading your poetry it’s such a blessing and honor to reblog them on my site. God bless you…Robin

    Liked by 1 person

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